At Holt Farm Infant School, we want all children to be happy, friendly, incredible and safe. We provide opportunities for our children to develop as creative, confident and caring learners and members of our community, working together to ensure they are prepared for the next stages of their lives.
We are committed to ensuring our curriculum is broad, balanced and challenging for all of our pupils and that we inspire them to be aspirational about their futures. We do this by providing a core programme of English and Mathematics and build on this through exciting, engaging and creative topics which interest and focus the children.
In our Early Years classes, we follow the EYFS curriculum and "Birth to 5" documents to deliver the requirements for Reception aged children.
In Key Stage One we use the National Curriculum as a basis for our planning and to ensure continuity and progression in each subject.
We want our children to enjoy school by working together, treating everyone the same and including everyone in school life, being good friends and looking out for each other. We also want our children to develop resilience, to work through challenges with a positive mind-set, to think creatively and to problem-solve.
Our curriculum is planned carefully to create a learning environment that is challenging, motivating and fun. We make adaptations wherever possible, in order to fully meet the needs of all pupils. This may be through scaffolding, use of practical resources, modelling, questioning or visual aids and will take into account their prior learning and individual starting point.
Our school is committed to working with parents and carers to secure positive relationships to support children’s learning. Work with local schools and pre-schools promotes and encourages professional development, dialogue and research which impacts positively on curriculum development.