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Holt Farm Infant School Holt Farm Infant School

‘Happy, Friendly, Incredible, Safe’



We promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping children with a strong command of the spoken and written word and foster an environment where children are enthusiastic about writing.


As soon as the children enter our school, they are provided with the stepping stones and opportunities to become confident writers.  By introducing exciting and interesting topics to our children, they are motivated to write. 


Children are encouraged to write using their knowledge of phonics to spell words independently.  Whilst ensuring that our children's creativity is nurtured, children are taught how to write clearly and effectively for a variety of purposes and audiences, applying their handwriting, spelling, punctuation and grammatical skills.  GPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling) skills are an integral part of our English lessons and writing across the curriculum. 


At Holt Farm Infants we use the Nelson Handwriting Programme to guide children from their first steps of mark making to the development of an individual handwriting style for each child.


Our handwriting scheme provides a clearly structured programme with full coverage of the technical aspects of writing, including letter formation and basic joins.


In reception the children will practice motor skills, before moving onto early letter formation.  In years 1 and 2 children consolidate letter formation and move onto basic joins.