Sapphire Class

What Your Child Needs To Bring To School
Please can your child bring a named water bottle with water (no squash), reading diary and reading book each day. All pencils, pens and other stationery are provided for the children. No toys or stationary of their own should be brought into school.
Reading Information
Reading books and reading diaries should be in school every day. Your child will have the opportunity to change their reading book on a daily basis. Children will still be given sets of tricky words to learn at home to help them progress through the reading levels and we strongly recommend practising reading and writing these words with your child.. We will endeavour to hear children read individually every 2 weeks. When children move up a level in reading, they will receive a special sticker from Mr Goodier.
Phonics & Handwriting
Your child will have a phonics lesson each day to learn new sounds and tricky words which then help them with reading and writing. We practise our handwriting weekly to encourage children to use the correct letter formation when they write.
PE Information
Amethyst PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays.
Children will need to come to school in their P.E kit on their P.E day. Children will need to wear- Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt, Holt Farm P.E jumper and trainers.
- Reading- please read as often as possible at home.
- Tricky words (words you cannot sound out and must remember by sight)- to learn to read and spell.
- Maths guidance will be given throughout the year.
Each half -term the children will be taught about a different topic.