Pearl Class
Welcome to Pearl Class

Please can your child bring a named water bottle with water, no squash each day. A book bag that will fit in a small tray containing their diary and books (these can be purchased at school). All pencils, pens and other stationery are provided for the children. Please ensure your child has wellies and water proof clothing that stays in school. No back packs please.
When your child first starts school they will take home a Level 1 book twice a week. This is to help children develop their story language skills before moving onto a book with words. As the children learn their sounds they will progress to the next level books- Level 2a (a book with words). Children will be given sets of tricky words to learn at home to help them progress through the reading levels. We will endeavour to hear children read individually each week.
Your child will have a phonics lesson each day to learn new sounds and tricky words which then help them with reading and writing. On Fridays the children’s sounds of the week will be sent home. Please practise these with your child and stick them in their phonics book. Each week the children will complete a handwriting activity in class.
PE will begin in the spring term. Children take part in physical activities each day in the learning garden.
Children will need to come to school in their P.E kit on their P.E day. Children will need to wear- Black shorts, a white t-shirt and trainers or for colder days black tracksuit bottoms.
- Reading- Please read as often as possible at home.
- Tricky words (words you cannot sound out and must remember by sight)- to learn to read and spell.
- Maths- Can your child spot the number of the week when you are out and about?
Each half -term the children will be taught about a different topic.