Emerald Class
Welcome to Emerald Class
We would encourage your child to change their reading books twice a week; once during the week and on a Friday We will endeavour to hear your child read each week, either individually or through group reading. The teacher will sign to show your child has read with an adult. Please could you write down the title of the books read at home and indicate what page you have got to or if you have finished the book. You are also welcome to write a comment about your child's reading.
Emerald Class have PE on Mondays and Fridays. Please would you send children into school wearing their PE kit on these days. They do not need to change into uniform on PE days. Please note, earrings cannot be worn for PE.
In year 2 the children are split into ability groups for maths once a week. Your child will bring a maths activity home each week to complete for the next week. If your child brings their completed homework back to school they will receive a Dojo.
Each day your child will have an ability based phonic lesson to learn new sounds which help them with their reading and writing. Phonic lessons start at 8.55 so please ensure your child is in school on time.
In the new year your child will receive a weekly comprehension sheet to complete at home to help them practice their comprehension skills.
Each half term the children will be taught about a different topic.
Our topic this half term is Around the World
Children have agreed rules for their class. Children who follow these rules or make a special effort at school, will be rewarded with Dojos. A Dojo champion will be chosen each week and we will also have a Star of the Day. The Dojo champion and Star of the Day will be able to sit on special chairs. Children can also receive stickers and certificates and, on Fridays, a new Lunchtime Superstar is chosen for each class.
If you would like to talk to the teacher could you please see them after school or catch them at the beginning of the day for matters relating to the day ahead.